Hello guys! I´m coming back to  this blog after almost two years and there´s no better topic to restart it than yoga. For a couple of years I´ve been struggling with this type of exercise. I remember myself downloading all these fancy apps that should guide me but the only thing I could think of was: How can someone possibly find peacefulness and stillness in this??? Firstly, even the basics were too hard, then it was too easy, so I got bored. As I said, no peace inside.
The last summer miracle happened. I found one girl on Youtube that seemed to be quite likeable and she posted 30 days of yoga challenge on her channel.
So I tried it. In my small dormitory room. The weather was so hot I was melting, I didn´t have some special yoga clothes, not even a mat. But still, her enthusiasm was extremely catching and I suddenly wanted to continue. Her name was Adrienne. Maybe some of you know her, if not, go here:

 I think she helped many people to get into it, including me. I still train with her videos. After several weeks I started to breath more properly (and believe me, even if you want to only shape your body, correct breathing is crucial when you´re doing yoga), the peace and happiness somehow came and I started to feel a small changes also in life.
Handling with stressful situations seems to be a bit easier now, I´m not so angry all the time and voilá, my body is stronger. My core is hard as hell after excerising, so don´t believe people that tell you yoga can´t help you with loosing weight. My back pain isn´t visiting me as often as before. And what´s the best, I started to like my body. For real. And for the first time since puberty.
Please, share your experiences with yoga in any language you want, I´ll be happy to read it.
See ya later, aligators!